4 Tips to Stay Sane During Your Next Business Trip
Business travel is a staple for most busy executives. You might recognize this scenario: you leave feeling excited to have some quiet time on a long flight, explore a new city, enjoy client dinners, and spend time with the team. Despite the thrill of getting to travel for work, you return home feeling exhausted with a disrupted routine and deregulated nervous system.
Traveling for work can be a lot of fun, but frequent business trips can actually wreak havoc on your well-being. To combat the typical stressors and have a productive work trip, follow our top tips below.
1. Prepare for the Plane
If you’re booked on a flight across time zones, you can feel disoriented by the time you land. It’s tempting to grab a coffee for breakfast and eat the pre-packaged meals on the plane, but these habits can start your trip off on the wrong note. Instead, try bringing your own pre-packaged meals on the plane. Pick up a healthy pre-made salad or sandwich from the store the day before to keep you full and fueled in the air. Don’t forget to grab a big bottle of water once you get through security. According to a 2020 report, the dry, recirculated air in airline cabins can trigger fluid shifts in the body that may accelerate dehydration which impacts the performance of traveling athletes. Just like for the football team, you will perform better in executive meetings and at client dinners if you remain hydrated throughout your flight. By making these small changes, you’re bound to see the difference it will make.
2. Keep It Close To Routine
It can be difficult to keep your normal schedule when you’re spending a few nights at a hotel in a different city or two. Despite the change, there are small ways to make yourself feel a little more comfortable and reduce the shock to your system. When you arrive, set the thermostat to your preferred temperature and request that extra pillow you always sleep with at home. If you’ve moved time zones, try to stick to your circadian rhythm to stay well rested. Think about other small ways you can calm your mind and maintain familiarity for your five senses. By making small changes like packing your shampoo and conditioner, you can help manage your environmental changes and subconsciously put yourself in a healthy headspace for your long days ahead.
3. Set Yourself Up For Success
Once your trip has officially begun, it probably won’t slow down until your plane ride home. With back-to-back meetings, catered lunches, and high end dinners, it’s easy to lose your typical eating habits and sense of normalcy. According to a 2017 study, difficulty maintaining a healthy lifestyle contributes to travel stress. To get your endorphins flowing, consider walking between meetings or doing a quick workout in your hotel gym or even your room. Make sure you get your normal breakfast and nutrients in by ordering breakfast to your room or take that midday call outside to enjoy the city. By resourcing yourself, you will be able to thrive in your work obligations and feel your best while doing so.
4. Resist the Urge to Splurge
It’s tempting to go all out when you’re traveling on the company card, but getting that extra glass of wine or 24 oz. steak is only going into your body. Though an abundance of alcohol, salt, and sugar are all likely on the menu, you do not have to order them. Alcohol is known to cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalance, which is the opposite of what will make you feel your best. Indulging will likely cause you to spiral even more out of your routine. If you wouldn’t do it at home, we recommend you don’t start now. Replace that drink with a mocktail or sparkling water, and wake up feeling refreshed and ready to optimize your day.
Start preparing for your next work trip with these tips and see the positive changes unfold. By embracing the chaos and maintaining your routine, you will be ready both mentally and physically to take on this journey.