Become the leader you want to be

Become the leader
you want to be

The most effective leaders are more than just authentic — they’re congruent.

What is Congruent Leadership™?

We believe that the human experience is the cornerstone of executive development. We also know that we’re entering a new paradigm of what effective leadership looks like in growing organizations.

Rooted in psychology, Congruent Leadership™ is a new approach to executive development designed to meet the future of leadership. It’s the alignment between who you are, who you want to be, and how you show up in every single moment. It’s our philosophy, a daily practice, and a way of life.

How We Work

Simply put, our coaching programs are designed to get you there, faster. We take a curious, solutions-focused approach to the work we do and value trust and confidentiality above all things.






Explore Executive Wellness

Leadership goes beyond the workplace. Our curated resources support you on every aspect of your journey.

Rejection 101: How to Get the Most Out of Hearing “No”

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Master the Art of Meal Planning to Level Up Your Performance

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5 Ways to Turn Procrastination Into Strategic Delay

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Our Founder, Julia

After a career defining run in tech and venture capital, Julia Quijano started Congruent Leadership to offer startup executives a new way to operate. For over a decade, she lived the highs and lows of company building in Silicon Valley with companies like Salesforce and Aera Technology. Now, she works with leaders all over the world to help them control their own destinies in life and in business. A psychology-trained executive coach, she unpacks the person behind a title and the dynamics behind a business problem to distill complex experiences into simple solutions.

Our Founder, Julia

a woman sitting in a chair